武汉桑拿论坛,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网论坛 品茶论坛 "Well, father! People there are very warm and simple! By the way, I also brought you many gifts! "

"Well, father! People there are very warm and simple! By the way, I also brought you many gifts! "

"That’s because you are our little princess!"
Chen Tian carefully studied the face in front of him, which had not been seen for half a year. It added a lot of culvert and made the skin a little more sunny. Only the eyes were still so clear. It was sea blue, sky blue and Lisa blue.
"Even if I don’t reveal my princess status, people are still equally friendly and enthusiastic! I saw many beautiful scenery and many beautiful faces along the way! Father, will you end the war early? I think most people love peace! "
Chen Tian just laughed and didn’t answer. One-year-old Sasha inherited a kind and simple character from her mother. There are many things that she still doesn’t understand. It’s very similar that he went to see Sasha again when he first met Lisa.
Look at your father, Sasha, and see if your clothes have attracted the attention of the German emperor.
"Father this dress is very nice! It’s a gift from Robert I! "
Robert I?’ Chen Tian smiled. "How is he recently? Oh, you can buy such beautiful clothes in London! "
Sasha du mouth "father you boring London for a long time! It has become very beautiful, just like a garden, a city street, and everyone seems to be in a happy mood, and the foggy weather has decreased a lot! Besides, Robert I asked me to say hello to you for him! "
Chen Tian nodded. "It is also a good thing for the English to forget the war completely!"
"Father!" Sasha suddenly changed a very serious expression.
"What’s the matter? What does our little princess want? " Chen Tian’s left hand gently stroked Sasha Jin’s texture is so silky and supple that she can go to do washing advertisements.
Little Sasha’s face showed a trace of melancholy. "When will the war end?"
"Soon!" Chen Tian can answer vaguely
"Can I go to China?" Sasha asked softly
"Not yet!" Chen Tian told her, "There is a war there, too!"
"Are you fighting the Japanese?" Sasha blinked. "Can’t father mediate with them?"
Chen Tian shook his head. "We are at war with the Russians, and the Japanese have seized this opportunity to be reckless! Moreover, China’s own war has not really ended. The central warlord, the local warlord, the white revolutionary army and the red revolutionary army may resume their war at any time! "
"What a mess!" Sasha said that she did not understand.
Chen Tian said, "It is true that the troubled times there may last for a while, maybe 10 years, maybe 20 years!"
Sasha wanted to think, "what about Qingdao? It’s the place where you and your mother once lived. Isn’t it controlled by Germany? It should be very safe there! "
"Qingdao? There are all our German troops there now. There is nothing to see! "
On the whole, Chen Tian feels that the Far East is not suitable for traveling at all because there is a fierce dispute brewing there, but he hopes that it will not become a catastrophe again.
"It’s a very beautiful place in my mother’s diary! I may not have a chance to go in a few years! " Sasha was a little sad and said that Chen Tian didn’t know how to kill the journey. She recently read several novels, some of which were written about the ancient court, which made Sasha always feel that she would soon become a political sacrifice like the heroine, that is to say, she was brought to a political marriage. In fact, this idea is not in line with the status quo at all, because Germany already needs to marry the country, and Kuang Chentian is not the kind of person who will exchange the happiness of her children for political interests, but Sasha is obviously pessimistic.
"How did that happen? In a few years, the situation may be stable! Will father accompany you to visit the scenic spots there? "
But this time, Chen Tian’s words were not great. Sasha rarely continued to shake his head.
"Shall we wait until we have finished the war with Russia?" Chen Tian said again
Sasha still shook his head.
Chen Tian suddenly stopped saying anything but stroking little Sasha’s head over and over again.
A month later, the German main fleet successfully defeated the Russian Baltic Fleet and rested at Kiel and Port William. Some of the main ships will join the German Pacific Fleet in the Far East, and a distinguished guest on the battleship Caesar William II III will go to Qingdao in the Far East with this fleet.
Destroy the day Chapter 20 decapitation
On a moonlit night, a cool breeze burst in the western Siberian plain. In an unremarkable farm, several Russian farmers were dressing up and fiddling with a precision instrument the size of a telegraph. A long line connected the strange fork brackets on the roof of the instrument.
"It should be coming soon!" One of them looked at a man about 40 years old with a brown head and kept raising his hand to look at his watch, but he said it was not Russian. Although he was wearing that kind of coarse old clothes, his eyes were unusually sharp
"Well, it is estimated that it will be soon!" The other looks even less like a farmer with glasses. He is five or six years younger than the brown man, and he has looked at his watch dozens of times for half an hour. He says that he is also different from Russian.
The brown man turned to pure Russian and said to the middle-aged man sitting in a chair next to him, "Mr. Egor, are you all ready?"
"Don’t worry!"
Sitting in the chair, this man is concentrating on wiping his pistol without looking up. This man looks very ordinary, but his eyes are full of sophistication and wisdom. In his hand, he holds a reliable and powerful Browning 1911 pistol, which was once heavily equipped with American troops and German troops.
"But can your thing really guide the plane to fly here from far away?"
"Of course, otherwise, how can we accurately bomb the target city at night!" Brown man proudly said.
"Terrible technology …" Whispered the gun cleaner.
In this way, these people are alert when chatting with their ears. Two guys carrying long rifles are on sentry duty outside. After about half an hour, a machine finally appeared when it was buzzing, but it was very clear after a few minutes. At this time, Brown Man and the "Mr. Egor" who just wiped the gun went to the door and looked up at the night.
"Come! Let you light fireworks! " Brown male Russian said
"Well, Igor!" Egor shouted not far away, "Light some fireworks! "
Red fireworks were quickly placed in a cross shape, and everyone present was not stunned by the scene of scattered flowers.
When it entered July, it swept away the innocence. The Ukrainian German army quickly advanced to the hinterland of Russia. On July 6, the German army encircled Smolensk. Only Marshal sokolov and less than 4ooo people escaped from the main force of the Russian 5 th regiment and became turtles in a jar.
On July 7, the Battle of Soccolini Base retreated from Tusk, and the Russian 4th Regiment came from St. Petersburg to reinforce the Russian 2nd Regiment and the 3rd Armored Division, which formed the most powerful battle group of the Russian army at present. On the other hand, the German 1st, The 2nd Regiment and Armored Group The 1st Armored Group formed the Northern Group of Germany. Although the Germans did not have an advantage in numbers, they had an absolute system and a battle-hardened armored unit, which made people laugh and cry. On the first day of the battle, the battle of tanks was expected by both sides. Unfortunately, the 3rd Russian armored division encountered an armored reconnaissance team from Germany when it went to the battlefield. As a result, this team called for two United bombers to repeat the magnificent scene in the western suburbs of Smolensk. The wind blew up this elite Russian armored division overnight with the help of fire, and Russian morale suddenly declined.
Three days later, the battle ended with a great victory of the German army. The remaining Russian troops retreated in a panic to St. Petersburg, but most of them were chased and annihilated by the German fast armored forces. By the time the German vanguard troops arrived in St. Petersburg, it had already become an abandoned city.
On July 10, the Battle of Smolensk, the powerful forces of the German Central Group, an armored army, 35 infantry divisions and 11 African colonial divisions launched a fierce and resolute attack on more than 100,000 Russian troops under siege. Two days later, the battle ended, and one Russian soldier escaped.
On July 17th, the German advance troops arrived outside Moscow, and the commander-in-chief of the Russian army, sokolov, had been fighting head-on with the Germans, so he left Moscow in a hurry to retreat eastward and set Moscow on fire.
Moscow, once the capital of Russia and Russia’s largest industrial and commercial center, has a glorious history of nearly oo years, but it has been hit hard again and again in the cruel war. 116 years ago, Emperor Napoleon of France arrived in the city, and the Russian army let the French appreciate the cruelty of Russian winter by relying on the fortified wall. This time, the Russian army repeated its old tricks, but ignored the German army’s full preparation for the turbulent situation in the country.
The raging fire burned in Moscow for a whole week, and the German central group detoured and continued to pursue and defeat the Russian army eastward. At the same time, the new Russian revolutionary government announced the establishment of the chairman of the highest temporary Committee of Stalin’s government in St. Petersburg and called on the people of the country to rise up against the violent rule of Di Anna I, and the Moscow fire became the best propaganda material
On July 21st, a railway line in the western Siberian plain was escorted by many Russian soldiers, and the luxury train slowly drove eastward. The hot summer weather was unbearable. In this vast western Siberian plain, even the wind brought hot air. The fan (which was installed at the top of the carriage for 12 years) tried hard to turn, but people were still sweating and fanning, expecting to arrive at the destination earlier.
Near noon, a thunderous car suddenly appeared in the distance, and people stuck their heads out of the window, but they didn’t see anything unusual, so they continued to chat about cards just now, but in a luxurious carriage in the middle of the train, the noble Russian queen had a bad feeling.
About a quarter of an hour later, the train stopped at a place in the middle of nowhere.
"What’s the matter?" Seeing many guards outside the window armed with guns, the passengers were alarmed and asked each other.
In a short time, a major of the Guards entered the carriage and shouted, "Ladies and gentlemen, please don’t panic. There is a section of railway track in front that is damaged and the engineering troops are in emergency repair!"
"Why is the major a revolutionary?" A young and aristocratic man was very uneasy to ask.
"It is not clear yet that everyone always stays in the car.
It won’t be long before the railway is repaired again "After giving a military-like salute, the major quickly left the carriage.
At this time, looking east along the railway tracks, there is still a train parked in front of it. There are many guards and soldiers. At this time, most of the officers and men are scattered around to deploy warning lines, and there is not even a figure in the wilderness as far as the eye can see.
The Queen’s special carriage came to report that the forehead of the Guards School was still dripping with sweat, but she was afraid to take out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat in front of the Queen. Fortunately, the temperature in the carriage was much lower than that outside. After all, the cool breeze didn’t let the sweat drop on the expensive small wool handmade carpet, but in this cool and fragrant room, the thick sweat of his body was obvious outside Hong Kong.
"There is no trace of damage around the roots, but it should be hateful if there is no accident. The damaged rails of the party cadres are about meters long. Fortunately, the accompanying engineers have specially prepared some sleepers and brown rails, which are estimated to be repaired and opened to traffic in two hours!"
Sitting in front of him, the queen is still wearing an ancient European-style long skirt and her face is not very good with light makeup, but it is obviously not because of the heat. The whole train is equipped with adjustment equipment (19o2 Americans). Even when the train stops, her carriage is still very cool, but in this era, the adjustment is large and heavy, and special diesel engines are added, which occupy a whole carriage position.
"Well, I know! Let patrols be sent along the railway line to alert me. I don’t want similar incidents to happen again! "
Say the queen gave a sign for him to leave with that sweat as soon as possible.
Prior to this, the Russian government had planned to move the temporary capital of Fort yekaterina, which is more than 14oo kilometers away from Moscow. Most of the important members of the royal government had already been stationed in the city. However, on the third day of the Russian government’s decision, a German bomber group composed of Dornier iii long-range bombers flew to Fort yekaterina and bombed it once, which frightened the Russian queen and ordered them to move to the opposite bank of Lake Anbaikal.
The school walked out of the Queen’s carriage with an indescribable mood, and the sun was blazing. Just now, the sweat stopped flowing. He took out a semi-wet handkerchief and wiped his forehead and cheeks and walked in the direction of the locomotive. Soon, a low-ranking officer approached to report something to him. After he wiped his sweat and nodded and confessed a few words, the officer quickly left himself and walked to a place not far from the front to light a cigarette and silently watched the workers in front repair the railway.
The car nobles still leaned out their heads from time to time and cursed the Germans, the war, the revolutionary party and the bad weather. Soon when the attendants appeared with ice cream carts, their attention was completely attracted.
Compared with the Russian guards outside the car, the car nobles had to guard against the scorching sun. I’m afraid there was a little shade at the bottom of the car. As time went on, many people’s backs were soaked with sweat. Some people showed signs of heatstroke, and even the cavalry horses were thirsty and screamed, which drove the engineers to keep their degrees. The officers had to move the whip, but in this case, it was counterproductive. The engineers obviously did not work hard.

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